The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has altered the Requirements of K.A.R.28-1-6 for Influenza:
The KDHE recommends that persons who are symptomatic with influenza-like illness (temperature of 100 degrees F[37.8 degrees C] or greater, a cough and/or sore throat without known cause other than influenza) and have a positive laboratory test for influenza or been treated with antiviral medication used to treat influenza is considered to have a case of influenza.
Persons with a case of influenza should remain in home isolation (e.g. excluded from school) for five days following onset of illness or until fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medications, whichever is longer.
This policy will remain in effect until it has been officially changed by KDHE. It will be current for the 2024-2025 school year.
KDHE epidemiology Hotline is 877 427 7317