Grace Hounchell School Social Worker |
The School Social Worker is a trained mental health professional who provides services related to students’ social well-being, emotional well-being, and adjustment to school and life. The School Social Worker is here for all K-12 students at McLouth USD 342 and is available for student drop-ins, or regular visits (with parent/guardian permission). Students should visit the school social worker if they are having difficulties with their mental health, with friendships or other social issues, or any other personal issue that is making it difficult to be successful at school. To see the School Social Worker, stop by her office, which is located across the hall from the Library and School Nurse. For middle and high school students, passing periods are a great time to check in and set an appointment. Elementary students may ask their teacher's permission to come visit me. If my door is closed, you can leave me a note, or ask your teacher or the office to contact me. You can also email me anytime at
Phone: | Email: Grace Hounchell |
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